The Digital Administration of Justice: Brazilian-German Experiences (20.10.2023)
Workshop (TBC)
Justice and Former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of Brazil
Professor Luiz Fux
The Technological Transformation of Justice
Luiz Fux
Former Brazilian chief Justice and President of the National Council of Justice (2020-2022). Brazilian Supreme Court Justice. Tenured Professor (Civil Procedure) at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Former President of the Brazilian Electoral Superior Court. PhD Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UERJ.
Valter Shuenquener de Araujo
Staff at the Secretary for Legal Affairs at the Organization of American States (OAS). Secretary General of the Brazilian National Council of Justice – CNJ (September 2020-September 2022). PhD in Public Law (UERJ – State University of Rio de Janeiro). Sandwich Doctorate at Ruprecht-Karls Universität of Heidelberg (Germany) (2006- 2007). Associate Professor of Administrative Law at the UERJ Faculty of Law [undergraduate and postgraduate stricto sensu (master's and doctorate)]. Former National Councilor of the National Council of the Public Prosecution Service (CNMP) by appointment of the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court (2015 - 2020). Former President of the Commission for the Defense of Fundamental Rights (CDDF) at CNMP. Federal Judge (since 2001). Assistant Judge and Instructor Judge at the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court (2011 – 2014). Judge Assistant at the Brazilian Superior Electoral Court in 2015. Former Attorney of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Former Federal Attorney. Former Attorney for PETROBRAS.
Anderson de Paiva Gabriel
Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Procedural Law from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Master (LL.M.,) in Procedural Law from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Visiting Scholar at Stanford Law School (Stanford University) and at Berkeley Law School (University of California-Berkeley). Currently, serves as an Auxiliary Judge at the Federal Supreme Court (STF). Auxiliary Judge of the Brazilian Chief Justice Luiz Fux in the National Council of Justice (CNJ), performing the functions of Processual Coordinator (2020-2022). Rio de Janeiro State Judge. Previously, served as a Chief of Police at the State of Rio de Janeiro (2010-2017) and at the State of Santa Catarina (2009-2010). Specialized in Public and Private Law by the High Institute of Public Prosecution (2010), in Constitutional Law by Estácio de Sá University (2010), and in Public Security management by the University of Southern Santa Catarina (2011). Holds a degree in Juridical and Social Sciences (Cum Laude) from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ (2008). Professor at the School of Magistrates of the State of Rio de Janeiro (EMERJ) and the School of Judicial Administration (ESAJ). Former Member of the Data Protection Manager Committee – CGPDP (2020-2023) and of the Information Security Management Committee – CGSI (2019-2020) of the TJRJ. Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of EMERJ, of the Editorial Board Journal of the National School of Magistrates (ENM) and of the CNJ Eletronic Journal, as well as HSSA Honorary Board member (Humanities and Social Sciences Association) at the University of California-Berkeley. Member of the Brazilian Institute of Procedural Law (IBDP). President of the Permanent Forum of Technological Innovations in Law, also integrating, as a member, the Permanent Forum of Appropriate Methods of Consensual Conflict Resolution and the Permanent Forum of Law and Economics, all of EMERJ.